
Webinars that get right to the best parts.

We do a fast five, lightning round question and answer with our guests. We cover a wide range of topics, providing expert guidance on everything from contracts and intellectual property to employment law and corporate governance or the latest tech advances to help small businesses. Join us as we navigate the legal landscape together and equip you with the knowledge to protect and grow your business.
Harnessing the Power of AI For Small Business Owners

Harnessing the Power of AI For Small Business Owners

Master the potential of AI with our upcoming webinar on GPT-4. We'll guide you from sign-up to using powerful prompts for various tasks, like crafting a marketing persona or addressing negative reviews. Witness practical demos and gain a deeper understanding of AI's capabilities. Attendees will receive a free GPT-4 cheatsheet downloadable on our website.

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Mastering Business Incorporation: Five Quick Items that Get Overlooked

Mastering Business Incorporation: Five Quick Items that Get Overlooked

Join us to learn how to choose the right business entity, complete necessary paperwork that often gets overlooked, and comply with legal requirements for successful business incorporation. This webinar will feature local accounting firm KCS, represented by Kevin Schindler from Schindler CPA.

Visit their website at https://schindler-cpa.ca.

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Excelling in A Business Purchase & Sale: Strategies for a Smooth Transaction

Excelling in A Business Purchase & Sale: Strategies for a Smooth Transaction

Learn key essential steps for buying or selling a business, including what are some important due diligence steps, negotiation tactics, and drafting legally binding contracts.

This webinar will feature local Business Broker Jason Price from https://www.jason-brice.com

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Effective Shareholder Agreements: Maximizing Profit Sharing and Ownership Rights

Effective Shareholder Agreements: Maximizing Profit Sharing and Ownership Rights

Learn how to draft comprehensive shareholder agreements that maximize profit-sharing mechanisms and address ownership rights, developing a strategic plan, and managing legal and financial considerations. This webinar will feature fellow local Corporate Law Expert Jesse Price from Affinity Law.

Learn more about Jesse https://affinitylaw.ca/lawyers/jesse-wray/

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Will your website SEO be effective in an ‘AI’ world

Will your website SEO be effective in an ‘AI’ world

Join us to learn how to conduct an insightful website audit to evaluate the effectiveness of your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) when the world begins to move to a ‘Generative Search Experience’ powered by AI (ChatGPT Search, Google Bard etc).

This webinar will feature local digital marketing expert Brent Hohlweg, from Supersonic Sites www.supersonicsites.com

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Making Profitable Investments: Demystifying Commercial Real Estate

Making Profitable Investments: Demystifying Commercial Real Estate

Discover practical tips for identifying lucrative commercial real estate opportunities, analyzing property values, negotiating effective lease agreements, and mitigating legal risks.

This webinar will feature local Commercial Real Estate Agent Chris van Vliet from William Wright Commercial Real Estate Services


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Family Trust & Estate Planning: Preserving Wealth for Future Generations

Family Trust & Estate Planning: Preserving Wealth for Future Generations

Gain practical strategies for creating and managing family trusts, minimizing estate taxes, and ensuring long-term security.

This webinar will feature local CPA, CGA Glenn Parks of Parks & Co https://parksandco.ca

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Successful Business Exits: Key Steps for a Smooth Transition

Successful Business Exits: Key Steps for a Smooth Transition

Learn the essential steps for executing successful business exit, including identifying targets, performing due diligence, negotiation strategies, and structuring financial agreements. This webinar will feature local entrepreneur legend:

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Cybersecurity Essentials for Small Businesses: Protecting Your Digital Assets

Cybersecurity Essentials for Small Businesses: Protecting Your Digital Assets

Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your small business's cybersecurity and safeguard your digital assets. Explore and understand the specific risks faced by small businesses.

We’ll chat with local cybersecurity expert Nick Swinney CISSP from Decision Point Advisors https://www.dpadvisors.ca/our-team

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Insurance Essentials for Small Businesses: Protecting Your Assets

Insurance Essentials for Small Businesses: Protecting Your Assets

Gain an understandingof the essential types of insurance coverage for small businesses,risk management strategies, and legal requirements.

This webinar willfeature local small business insurance agent: CHOOSE AGENT

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Set Up Business Benefits Right

Set Up Business Benefits Right

Learn practical advice for developing a strategic benefits plan, how to avoid paying too much and over investing in benefits, implement successful transformative benefits.

This webinar will feature local business insurance agent with decades of experience:   CHOOSE AGENT

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Unlocking Cashflow & Setting Up Your Business To Be Profitable

Unlocking Cashflow & Setting Up Your Business To Be Profitable

Gain valuable insights and practical strategies on managing cashflow effectively and setting up your business for profitability. Learn techniques to optimize revenue streams, control expenses, and implement financial systems that promote sustainable growth and profitability.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your financial management skills and drive the success of your business with local small business tax expert: CHOOSE AGENT

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Put Our Decades Of Experience To Work For You

As corporate lawyers, we are more than a service, we are a part of your business and there to help your endeavor thrive. Let's schedule a call and get Strive Law working for you.